_Environmental Justice Foundation
Environmental Justice Foundation investigator documenting the impact of forest fires in Borneo, Indonesia. Fires are started deliberately to clear land for oil palm plantations, displacing communities and devastating wildlife.

Environmental Justice Foundation works with grassroots partners to investigate, film, and campaign for environmental justice—for the protection of our shared global environment and basic human rights.

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London, UK

Focus Areas

climate change, grassroots activism, environmental justice, protecting oceans, defending wildlife and forests

Year Founded


Countries of Operation

UK, Germany, Belgium, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, and Japan

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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#1 No Poverty

#2 Zero Hunger

#7 Affordable and Clean Energy

#12 Responsible Consumption and Production

#13 Climate Action

#14 Life Below Water

#15 Life on Land

#16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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